The vital role of salmon farms

Aquaculture plays a key part in the economy and the social fabric of coastal communities, writes Salmon Scotland Chief Executive Tavish Scott in his latest column for Fish Farmer. Two recent high profile visits to farms – by the BBC Countryfile team and by the Shadow Scottish Secretary (pictured, right) – illustrate how important it…

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Politicians galore

While it’s easy to blame elected politicians when regulations appear to place excessive burdens on the aquaculture sector, perhaps we should give them a break and consider that the problem may lie with those who are informing and advising them. So says Nick Joy, in the August issue of Fish Farmer. You can read it…

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One down…

Now that the Scottish Government has rowed back on its plans to introduce HPMAs (highly protected marine areas), it could also be time for a rethink on other areas of marine policy – with the most obvious candidate being the sea lice risk framework developed by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency. So says Dr Martin…

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A vision for the future of salmon farming

In his latest column for Fish Farmer magazine, Salmon Scotland chief executive Tavish Scott welcomes the publication of the Scottish Government’s new vision for sustainable aquaculture and sets out his own organisation’s view of the future of Scottish aquaculture. Read his article, starting on page 30, in the August issue of Fish Farmer, out now…

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Picky punters

A paper on the prospects for increasing the consumption of shellfish may be over-optimistic, argues Dr Martin Jaffa in his latest Comment article for Fish Farmer. Scientists at the the Department of Zoology of the University of Cambridge have examined ways to encourage the British public to eat more bivalve shellfish – a product which…

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Supplying Putin’s chef

Nick Joy recalls doing business with someone who turned out to be more notorious – and dangerous – than could have been imagined. Read the latest issue of Fish Farmer here to find out how Loch Duart Salmon ended up supplying mutinous mercenary leader Yevgeny Progozhin. See page 86.

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Showcasing our salmon farms

As the summer holidays get underway, Salmon Scotland Chief Executive Tavish Scott explains why we should encourage visits to farm sites, to see the reality of aquaculture rather than the version presented by its critics. Read his article, starting on page 24 of Fish Farmer’s July 2023 issue, which you can find here.

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Who is regulating the regulators?

There is a worrying lack of communication and trust in the way the fish farming sector is regulated, according to Salmon Scotland Chief Executive Tavish Scott. Read his article in the July issue of Fish Farmer, available here to view online or download.

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This year’s model

The example of the Lamlash Bay No Take zone shows that fish farm’s and biodiversity can co-exist happily, argues Dr Martin Jaffa, and it also provides one more reason to be sceptical about SEPA’s sea lice risk model. Read his article in the June issue of Fish Farmer, which you can view online or download…

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Will they buy this story?

Salmon farmers in Iceland are planning to market salmon grown on land-based farms, in water filtered through lava rocks and with minimal impact on the environment. It’s a great story but, Dr Martin Jaffa asks, is it one for which consumers are willing to pay a potentially hefty premium? Read the full article starting page…

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