

Fast track – or road to ruin?

Science offers a way to bring about dramatic improvements in livestock – including salmon – but not everyone is happy about it, Robert Outram finds. Gene editing is a divisive...
Scottish salmon farm

What now for RSPCA Assured?

The RSPCA’s own President says it should drop its farming certification scheme, as Sandy Neil reports. The campaign group Animal Rising is calling on the RSPCA to drop its ethical...
Staff at tank

The only way is up

Vertical Oceans’ modular stacking RAS system for shrimp will work anywhere, say the company’s founders. Robert Outram reports. Shrimp farming is big business. Just one species – Pacific whiteleg shrimp...
Salmon swimming

Off the hook

As Vince McDonagh reports, a study by Norway’s Institute of Marine Research has added to the evidence that farmed salmon are not spreading diseases to their wild counterparts. Marine researchers...
Oysters on plate

Oysters galore – in France

Nicki Holmyard shares her impressions after her visit to France’s oyster heartland. I love oysters, and really miss having oyster farmers for neighbours! In my local fishmongers, No 3 oysters...

Far out, man

Iceland has joined the list of countries looking at whether fish farming could expand into more challenging ocean locations, as Vince McDonagh reports. Iceland has become the latest major seafood...

Under pressure

The diving industry is backing calls to reinstate the hyperbaric chamber at Dunstaffnage, as Sandy Neil reports. More than 25,000 people have backed an online petition calling for the reinstatement...
Wild salmon

The final frontier

Salmon Scotland chief executive Tavish Scott highlights the work being done to protect Scotland’s iconic wild salmon. Captain James T Kirk: it is a name from one’s youth, depending on...

Future fuels

Aquaculture was a key area for Seawork 2024, with questions around clean technology coming to the fore, as David Robinson reports. The 25th edition of the Seawork exhibition and conference...
Fish Farmer cover July 2024

The July 2024 issue of Fish Farmer is out now