Homegrown success for the Scottish salmon sector

UK sales for salmon are up more than 3% year on year, and that is just one indicator of the importance of the industry to the national economy. So says Salmon Scotland Chief Executive Tavish Scott in the December issue of Fish Farmer (starting page 26), which you can read or download here. Scott also…

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From egg to plate

The value of Scotland’s salmon industry – which creates an estimated £766m in gross value added for the economy – benefits not only the fish farmers but also the many businesses and their employees operating up and down the entire supply chain. So says Salmon Scotland CEO in his latest column for Fish Farmer, which…

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An unholy alliance

Over the last decade, it has become clear that our country is developing a worse and worse climate for business. Government is populated by people who simply don’t understand that industry employs most of the populace and pays most of the taxes, directly or indirectly. Much more worryingly, these people also do not understand the…

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Dye hard

No, farmed salmon is not pink because it’s dyed that way with chemicals after slaughter, as Dr Martin Jaffa explains in his latest column for Fish Farmer, but it’s a favourite line that anti fish farming activists like to repeat. In fact, as Dr Jaffa notes, dyeing fish is a common practice when it comes…

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Common Purpose – or hidden purpose?

There is a great deal of coordination in the “anti” groups that exist all over the world to campaign against a range of industries, argues Nick Joy in his latest column for Fish Farmer. And he turns his spotlight on one organisation in particular, Common Purpose, which offers training for leadership roles but, in can…

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Warning signs

Changes in the body fat of mackerel may give a clue to a factor in the decline of wild salmon. So argues Dr Martin Jaffa in his latest column for Fish Farmer. A new study from the University of Aberdeen funded by pelagic fishermen, yet to be fully published, has found that from around 2010,…

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The vital role of salmon farms

Aquaculture plays a key part in the economy and the social fabric of coastal communities, writes Salmon Scotland Chief Executive Tavish Scott in his latest column for Fish Farmer. Two recent high profile visits to farms – by the BBC Countryfile team and by the Shadow Scottish Secretary (pictured, right) – illustrate how important it…

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Politicians galore

While it’s easy to blame elected politicians when regulations appear to place excessive burdens on the aquaculture sector, perhaps we should give them a break and consider that the problem may lie with those who are informing and advising them. So says Nick Joy, in the August issue of Fish Farmer. You can read it…

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One down…

Now that the Scottish Government has rowed back on its plans to introduce HPMAs (highly protected marine areas), it could also be time for a rethink on other areas of marine policy – with the most obvious candidate being the sea lice risk framework developed by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency. So says Dr Martin…

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A vision for the future of salmon farming

In his latest column for Fish Farmer magazine, Salmon Scotland chief executive Tavish Scott welcomes the publication of the Scottish Government’s new vision for sustainable aquaculture and sets out his own organisation’s view of the future of Scottish aquaculture. Read his article, starting on page 30, in the August issue of Fish Farmer, out now…

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