Posts Tagged ‘consumers’
Dish up good news, Seafish urges industry
The UK industry authority Seafish has launched a campaign inviting seafood producers to tell positive and inspiring stories.
Read MoreCall for new approach as seafood consumption declines
Seafood consumption in Britain is continuing to decline, a new survey by the industry body Seafish finds. Cost inflation, which reached its peak last year, is one of the main reasons, but the study says other factors are also in play.
Read MoreHigh prices putting Norwegians off seafood, report finds
If there is one country where fish should be more affordable it is Norway, but not so, says the Norwegian Seafood Council. Despite being one of the world’s great seafood producers, prices for the most popular species have risen sharply over the past few years – and Norwegians are eating less seafood as a result.
Read MoreSeafood Council forced to defend fish safety
Is it safe to eat fish? The Norwegian Seafood Council says “yes”, despite suggestions that seafood may contain environmental toxins.
Read MoreMore wild fish should be eaten, not fed to salmon, scientists say
Consumers would get a better mix of nutrients if they ate more of the wild fish species that are typically used for salmon feed. That’s the message from a study by scientists from four leading UK universities, who analysed the nutrient content of wild caught fish such as mackerel, anchovies and herring and compared it…
Read MoreNorway’s youngsters urged to eat more seafood
The Norwegian government has allocated an extra NOK 3.9 million (almost £300,000) to help combat a worrying decline in seafood consumption among the country’s young people. Many Norwegian children and teenagers have simply stopped eating salmon and white fish, preferring less healthy options such as burgers instead. Cost may also be a factor. A recent…
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