Protecting human rights

Fish processing staff

The recent investigations uncovering human rights abuses in the farmed seafood industry, most recently in the shrimp industry in India, are very unsettling to read. While we all agree that these abuses should have no place in any industry, the reality is starker and more uncomfortable.

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Oslo opens new salmon air route to China – via Kazakhstan

The Capital Airlines aircraft at Oslo prepares for first flight

A new direct salmon air route between Norway and China has just been launched from Oslo. The interesting aspect is that the plane travels via the former Soviet republic of  Kazakhstan, close to Russia, an area of the world avoided by western fish air carriers since the start of the Ukraine war. The first consignment…

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From egg to plate

The value of Scotland’s salmon industry – which creates an estimated £766m in gross value added for the economy – benefits not only the fish farmers but also the many businesses and their employees operating up and down the entire supply chain. So says Salmon Scotland CEO in his latest column for Fish Farmer, which…

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