Go ahead for advanced South Korean salmon farm

Dongwon Industries, South Korea’s largest fishing group, has announced that it intends to go ahead with its plan to enter the aquaculture business by building a large environmentally land based smart salmon farm in the country. Dongwon is linking up with Norway’s Salmon Evolution by investing in the business and using its advanced technology. Work…

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Norway fighting fake news on salmon

Norway's salmon exports to South Korea have soared

THE Norwegian Seafood Council has revealed it is spending a lot of time and resources fighting fake news reports circulating around the safety of farmed salmon. The battleground appears to be concentrated in Asia – and South Korea, in particular. Salmon exports to that country have increased by 172 per cent in volume and 300…

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Russia returns Norwegian salmon shipments

THE Norwegian authorities are still scratching their heads wondering why Russia has just sent back two large planeloads of Norwegian salmon bound for Asia. One of the aircraft was carrying about 100 tonnes of the fish when it touched down in Moscow and was promptly ordered to return to Oslo’s Gardermoen Airport without explanation. Cato…

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