SNP manifesto calls for new deal with EU

The Scottish National Party is calling in its manifesto for a renegotiation of the UK’s trade deal with Europe and a “bespoke” work visa scheme to help employers in Scotland recruit from overseas. As widely flagged in advance, the party’s manifesto places its call for Scottish independence on the first page, and says that the…

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‘Don’t underestimate importance of salmon farming’

SCOTLAND should never underestimate the importance of the salmon farming industry to rural areas, said MP Ian Blackford, the leader of the SNP in Westminster, as he opened new pier facilities at Mowi’s Kyleakin feed plant on Skye this morning. The newly refurbished and extended pier means both ingredients and the final feed product can…

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Salmon growth will promote jobs says MP

THE importance of aquaculture supply chain companies to Scotland’s west coast economy was highlighted today during a visit to the region by Argyll and Bute MP Brendan O’Hara. The Scottish Nationalist MP saw at first hand the value of the sector when he dropped in to Fusion Marine’s new office premises near Oban. Employing 18…

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