Salmon growth will promote jobs says MP

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THE importance of aquaculture supply chain companies to Scotland’s west coast economy was highlighted today during a visit to the region by Argyll and Bute MP Brendan O’Hara.
The Scottish Nationalist MP saw at first hand the value of the sector when he dropped in to Fusion Marine’s new office premises near Oban.
Employing 18 people locally, Fusion Marine has secured many significant orders in recent years from Scottish salmon companies to supply fish farm pens and associated equipment, which are constructed at its manufacturing base at Barcaldine.
The company recently moved its headquarters to the European Marine Science Park in Dunstaffnage, enabling staff to benefit from being part of the cluster of scientific expertise based there.
Stephen Divers, managing director of Fusion Marine, said: ‘We were delighted to meet with Brendan O’Hara and highlight to him the crucial role played by the supply chain in supporting Scotland’s important aquaculture sector.
‘Salmon farming not only creates many direct jobs, but also supports a vast array of supply companies, providing an additional significant boost to the west coast economy and benefiting schools, shops and numerous other local businesses.’
Brendan O’Hara said: ‘I was delighted to meet with Stephen Divers and his staff today to better understand their role in the vitally important aquaculture industry; an industry that plays a hugely significant part in our economy here in Argyll and Bute.
‘With projected growth in the aquaculture industry, I believe that Fusion Marine has a bright future, and one that will bring even more high value, skilled jobs to the Oban area.’
Picture (left to right): Brendan O’Hara, Stephen Divers and John MacGregor, company secretary of Fusion Marine. Picture by Kevin McGlynn


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