What now for RSPCA Assured?

Scottish salmon farm

The campaign group Animal Rising is calling on the RSPCA to drop its ethical food labelling scheme, RSPCA Assured, following what it calls “the biggest scandal in RSPCA history”: a report cataloguing “catastrophic failures across 45 farms assured by the charity”.

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RSPCA standards extended to cover cleaner fish

A new version of the RSPCA Assured standards for farmed Atlantic salmon welfare comes into effect from 19 May this year, with more than 300 new standards and amendments. The standards will apply to the vast majority of salmon production in Scotland. The new standards include a new set of rules covering non-medicinal treatments for…

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Orkney jobs boost for Cooke’s new salmon farm

FIVE full-time, permanent jobs have been created by Cooke Aquaculture’s new organic salmon farm in Orkney, which starts production in the spring. And there are hopes that the number of direct and indirect jobs will increase once a second site opens in 2021, the company said. Four residents from Stronsay have been recruited and successfully…

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Mowi defends salmon farming against latest BBC attack

SCOTLAND’S biggest salmon farmer, Mowi, has defended its farming practices ahead of a potentially damaging BBC broadcast next week. The Panorama programme, titled ‘Salmon Farming Exposed’, airs on Monday night and Mowi said in a statement issued today that it expects this to provide ‘an unbalanced and negative portrayal of our industry and company’. Mowi…

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Shetland welfare course goes global

AQUACULTURE students from around the world have enrolled on a fish welfare course run from Shetland, thanks to online learning. More than 200 students – from Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal and Canada – have signed up to the course since it was launched, by the NAFC Marine Centre UHI. The course was developed by…

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Salmon farmer sourcing wrasse ‘responsibly’

SALMON farmer Loch Duart has been working with fisheries and conservation authorities in England since 2016 to source wild wrasse sustainably for use on its Scottish farms. The company, based in Sutherland and the Hebrides, said its cleaner fish strategy had helped it achieve its lowest historical lice counts on all sites by the end…

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Now UK joins live lobster ban lobby

A GROUP of campaigners in the UK has joined growing demands to prohibit the live boiling of lobsters and other crustaceans. Earlier this month, as part of a general reform of animal practices, the Swiss government made it illegal to throw live lobsters into the pot, a move which did not go down well with some of…

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