Missing workboat found sunk off Lewis

A drifting fish farm workboat has been found sunk five miles east of Lewis after breaking her moorings during heavy storms over the weekend. Although the 19 metre long vessel has all the appearance of a D-Day style landing craft, the MV Tiffany of Melfort, was built in Devon for the trout company Kames Fish…

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New vaccine hope for rainbow trout fry

A NEW vaccine for rainbow trout is to be trialled in a project led by Dawnfresh, Scotland’s biggest trout farmer, and the University of Stirling’s Institute of Aquaculture (IoA). A consortium, which also includes Kames Fish Farming, another Scottish trout farm operator, and Tethys Aquaculture, an aquaculture research impact company, will test the rainbow trout…

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Farm plan opposed by Jura deer stalker

PLANS by Kames Fish Farming to build the first fish farm off the Isle of Jura’s uninhabited west coast are being opposed by campaigners. Kames submitted its proposals to Argyll and Bute Council earlier this month, after withdrawing an application late last year to site a farm in the Sound of Jura. The company is…

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Kames plans farm west of Jura

PLANS have been submitted to Argyll and Bute Council to build the first fish farm off the Isle of Jura’s uninhabited west coast, the Oban Times reported. Kames Fish Farming, which withdrew an application late last year to site a farm in the Sound of Jura, is ‘screening and scoping opinion’ for a 14-pen fin…

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