Missing workboat found sunk off Lewis

The Butt of Lewis

A drifting fish farm workboat has been found sunk five miles east of Lewis after breaking her moorings during heavy storms over the weekend.
Although the 19 metre long vessel has all the appearance of a D-Day style landing craft, the MV Tiffany of Melfort, was built in Devon for the trout company Kames Fish Farming just two years ago at a reported cost of £1 million.
The incident is a serious setback for the company which said it was devastated by the news. It had been tied up near a trout farm in Loch Pooltiel, by Glendale in north west Skye, when the storm struck.
A Coastguard alert was issued to shipping in the area to keep a sharp lookout for the drifting vessel.
An inspection will now be carried out to assess the extent of damage and establish if the MV Tiffany of Melfort can be salvaged.
In August Storm Ellen caused serious damage to a Mowi-owned salmon farm in Argyll.


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