Fish health chief says sea lice control has improved

man sat in committee room

Action to control sea lice numbers on Scottish fish farms has been successful, partly driven by the new requirement to report lice numbers on a weekly basis.
That is the verdict of Charles Allan, group leader of the Scottish Government’s Fish Health Inspectorate (FHI), in the evidence he gave to the Scottish Parliament’s Rural Affairs and Islands (RAI) Committee.

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Salmon farming finds favour in Holyrood

A POLL of Scottish MSPs has found that attitudes towards the Scottish salmon farming sector have improved in the past year. Some 73 per cent of the Rural Economy and Connectivity (REC) committee – which carried out an investigation into salmon farming in 2018 – now view the salmon farming sector favourably. And the number…

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Industry pays tribute to Tavish as he bows out of politics

THE Scottish salmon industry has paid tribute to one of its staunchest champions, Tavish Scott, as he stands down from frontline politics. The former Liberal Democrat leader and MSP for the Shetlands was elected to the first parliament 20 years ago and has long celebrated the impact of aquaculture in his constituency and beyond. During…

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All change on climate committee

THE convener of a Holyrood committee that produced a critical report on the salmon farming sector earlier this year has been replaced. Graeme Dey (SNP), who oversaw proceedings by the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform (ECCLR) committee during the first salmon inquiry of the year, has handed over to Gillian Martin, also a Scottish…

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River owning MSP ‘ambushes’ salmon probe

THE convenor of Holyrood’s Rural Economy and Connectivity (REC) committee has been accused of ‘ambushing’ its draft report on the future of salmon farming to protect his angling interests. According to a report in today’s Herald, Sir Edward Mountain, the Conservative MSP for Highlands and Islands and a baronet, sprang a list of suggestions on…

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Salmon farmers separate fact from fiction

SCOTLAND’S salmon farmers have produced a booklet of facts about their industry, aimed at addressing misperceptions and correcting often inaccurate coverage in the press. The publication, ‘Reported Versus Reality: A Pocket Guide to Scottish Salmon Farming’, has been sent to MSPs, Scottish MPs and local councillors, as well as to other stakeholders, including regulators, environmental…

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M&S ‘proud’ of its Scottish farmed salmon

Marks & Spencer said it sells only Scottish farmed salmon, which is trusted by customers for its high quality and taste. Sourcing 10,000 tonnes of raw material a year, from Scottish Sea Farms, helped create jobs in rural communities where employment opportunities are less readily available, said the retailer. However, in a written submission to…

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Scotland promises farm by farm sea lice data

SCOTTISH salmon farmers are to publish all data associated with sea lice counts on a farm by farm basis, the SSPO (Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation) confirmed yesterday. The SSPO’s general manager, David Sandison, said the move follows a decision taken by the organisation’s board – which includes all but one of Scotland’s salmon farming companies…

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