Fish health chief says sea lice control has improved

man sat in committee room

Action to control sea lice numbers on Scottish fish farms has been successful, partly driven by the new requirement to report lice numbers on a weekly basis.
That is the verdict of Charles Allan, group leader of the Scottish Government’s Fish Health Inspectorate (FHI), in the evidence he gave to the Scottish Parliament’s Rural Affairs and Islands (RAI) Committee.

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Aqua Agenda: Fish Health webinar

Thanks to all who attended Fish Farmer’s first Aqua Agenda webinar this week. We had a great panel – Iain Berrill, Head of Technical with Salmon Scotland, Charles Allan, head of the Scottish Fish health Inspectorate and Ronnie Soutar, Head of Veterinary Services with Scottish Sea Farms – addressing the pressing issue of fish health…

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Scottish Government orders weekly sea lice reporting

Mandatory reporting of sea lice numbers has moved to a weekly basis for Scottish fish farmers. An Order was laid in the Scottish Parliament introducing what the Scottish Government call a “step change” in sea lice reporting. It requires average weekly female sea lice numbers per fish to be reported one week in arrears, in…

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Fish welfare complaints ‘can be taken out of context’

THERE has been a significant rise in the number of fish welfare complaints received by government agencies over the past 18 months. Jenni Diffin of the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA), which works for Defra (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs), told the Fish Veterinary Society conference in Edinburgh on Tuesday that her…

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Salmon farmers publish mortality data

SCOTLAND’S salmon farmers have published their monthly mortality figures on a farm-by-farm basis today for the first time in a move to improve transparency in the industry. The data, which covers 100 per cent of Scottish salmon farms, shows that for the first four months of this year, survival rates on farms ranged between 98.5…

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