Lerøy commissions escaped fish count

The Lerøy Seafood group is taking a number of measures to study the impact of fish escapes in various rivers in Norway.
The move follows the closure of sports fishing activities at more than 30 of the country’s rivers last week and a serious escape incident at one of Lerøy’s own fish farms in the past few weeks.

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Better news on escaped fish numbers

wild salmon leaping upstream

Fewer escaped salmon are getting into Norwegian rivers, according to the latest annual survey. OURO, the aquaculture industry’s association for dealing with escaped farmed fish says that fewer of these salmon  migrated up the rivers in 2023 than in previous years.  It adds: “This is positive because fewer escaped fish in waterways before spawning reduces the…

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Icelandic police drop fish escape investigation

The Icelandic police have dropped their investigation into fish farmer Arctic Fish, over a large salmon escape in August last year. An estimated 3,000 fish got out in what was seen around the country as a major incident, with anti-salmon farming factions calling on the government to ban open pen fish farming. The Icelandic Veterinary…

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