Careers day a Stirling opportunity for students

AQUACULTURE students will have a chance to meet industry professionals – and possibly their future employers – at the annual careers day at Stirling University next week. Around 150 people have so far signed up for the event at the Institute of Aquaculture, said the organisers, the Aquaculture Students Association (ASA). Now in its fifth…

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Boston bound firms seek new business

SCOTTISH seafood companies will be looking for new business in North America this week as they head to the annual Boston seafood exhibition. With Brexit on the horizon, the US provides opportunities for firms to expand within an existing market. Among the Scottish exhibitors are Loch Fyne Oysters, the Scottish Salmon Company, Dawnfresh, Wester Ross…

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Prize apprentice scoops three awards

AN apprentice with the Scottish Salmon Company scooped three big prizes at the Lantra Scotland Land-based and Aquaculture Learner of the Year Awards last night. Janis Brivkalns from Dunoon was named as joint overall Learner of the Year, as well as winning the Aquaculture Learner of the Year and the Modern Apprentice of the Year…

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SAIC gets top farmers on board

DAWNFRESH farming director Alison Hutchins and the managing director of Shetland Mussels, Michael Tait, have joined the board of the Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC), it was announced today. With a combined 35 years of experience, Hutchins and Tait will enhance the board’s existing expertise, said SAIC in a press release. The board consists of…

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Dawnfresh plans four new farms, 36 jobs

SCOTTISH trout farmer Dawnfresh is to expand its operations, with plans for four new offshore farm sites, creating an extra 36 jobs in the west of Scotland. The company, which is the UK’s largest producer of farmed trout and already employs more than 500 people, is to invest £16 million in growing its farming business.…

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Aquaculture stars in prize shortlist

FOUR aquaculture trainees have made the shortlist for this year’s Land-based and Aquaculture Learner of the Year Awards. They are among 24 finalists named by Lantra Scotland, the sector skills council for land-based, aquaculture and environmental conservation industries, which organises the competition. Among the aquaculture hopefuls are Harry Hamlin-Wright, a vet from Perth, who was…

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Dawnfresh expansion set to go ahead

SCOTTISH trout farmer Dawnfresh is expected to win approval to increase its number of fish pens on Loch Etive in Argyll, the Oban Times reported. A meeting on Wednesday of Argyll and Bute Council’s Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee recommended that planning permission be granted to replace 10 x 80m cages with 12 x…

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Scots seafood firms fly the flag in Japan

SCOTLAND’S biggest seafood companies are in Tokyo this week to help promote international exports, which rose 23 per cent last year to £944 million. Salmon farmers such as Marine Harvest and the Scottish Salmon Company are attending the Japan Seafood Expo 2018, which runs from August 22-24. The firms represent the largest Scottish delegation yet…

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‘Learn the ropes’ MH boss tells students

THE boss of Scotland’s biggest salmon farming company told students yesterday they were more likely to get a job in his company if they’d had work experience on a farm. Ben Hadfield, managing director of Marine Harvest Scotland, said he had his first job at 15, in a water purification plant, and went back there…

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Scotland has first female fish farm boss

ALISON Hutchins has been appointed farming director of Dawnfresh, believed to be the first woman to hold such a position in the Scottish aquaculture industry. She replaces Stewart Hawthorn, who has left the company to focus on other business interests. Hutchins (pictured), a former manager at Marine Harvest, has been at Dawnfresh, the UK’s largest…

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