Food and industry chiefs in Brexit plea

The Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation has joined with other leading bodies in the country’s food and drink sector in a plea to the Prime Minister for more time to deal with the impact of Brexit. In an open letter to Boris Johnson the industry chiefs express concern that uncertainty over Brexit is compounding pressures on…

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Scottish salmon production hit record level in 2019

Scottish salmon production recorded its biggest ever numbers in 2019, according to the latest figures from the Scottish Government.  The Scottish Fish Farm Production Survey for 2019 showed that the sector farmed 203,881 tonnes of salmon last year, an increase of 30.7 per cent on 2018. In 2019, production of Atlantic salmon increased by 47,856…

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Move towards mandatory wrasse controls

SALMON farmers in Scotland have welcomed a government consultation on new wrasse fishing measures. The review will consider the introduction of mandatory controls over the harvesting of live wrasse, used as a cleaner fish for the salmon farming industry. The government said in a statement it recognised the important role played by wrasse in controlling…

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Scottish farmed salmon survival rate at 98.6%

THE average monthly survival rate of Scottish farmed salmon last year was 98.60 per cent, new figures reveal. The total is slightly sown on the previous year’s average of 98.83 due to environmental challenges seen at some farms during the third and fourth quarters of 2019, the Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation (SSPO) said. From August…

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Wild salmon sector seeks aquaculture manager

THE wild fish body Fisheries Management Scotland (FMS) is advertising for an Aquaculture Interactions manager to liaise with the salmon farming industry. The role will help FMS’s members manage relations between the two sectors, with the aim of protecting and restoring wild salmonid populations, according to the job advert on the FMS website. FMS said:…

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Angling activists to boycott farmed salmon

A LOBBY group representing sports fishermen and river owners said it will boycott Scottish farmed salmon in protest over industry growth. Farmed salmon, which is the UK’s biggest food export and supports around 12,000 jobs in Scotland, was the subject of two parliamentary inquiries in 2018. These were prompted by a petition drawn up by…

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Immigration scheme ‘threat to seafood sector’

TWO of Scotland’s largest seafood organisations, representing both the farmed and caught sectors, united today to call for urgent discussions over the government’s new points based immigration policy. Under post-Brexit plans, low skilled workers would not get visas to work in Britain unless they are employed in ‘specific shortage occupations’. These currently include nursing, civil engineering, psychology…

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BBC man is named as new SSPO chair

THE former head of news and current affairs at BBC Scotland has been appointed chairman of the Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation, it was announced today. Atholl Duncan replaces Gilpin Bradley, managing director of Wester Ross Fisheries, who who took on the role on a temporary basis two years ago. Duncan – who is currently the…

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Salmon status quo not an option: Ewing

THE success of Scotland’s aquaculture sector reaches far and wide and has driven a resurgence in subsidiary businesses, according to Scotland’s Rural Economy Minister, Fergus Ewing. In a detailed written response to the report on salmon farming published by Holyrood’s Rural Economy and Connectivity (REC), which undertook an inquiry into the industry last year, Ewing…

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Salmon farmers issue ‘no deal’ warning

THE Scottish salmon farming sector has joined with Scotland’s £14 billion farming, food and drinks industries to urge MPs to reject a no-deal Brexit. As the Commons prepares to vote on the Prime Minister’s EU deal tomorrow, Scottish companies warn that leaving the EU without a deal would be ‘potentially catastrophic’. In an open letter…

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