Salmon farmers battle Covid-19 together

SCOTLAND’S salmon farmers may share processing facilities as part of contingency measures as coronavirus disruption escalates. Processing plants are operating as near to normal as possible at the moment, with extra guidance and restrictions on visits in place, said the SSPO (Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation) in a Covid-19 update this morning. But this will change…

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Processors \’will be able to recruit from overseas\’

THE seafood sector has been told it will be able to recruit overseas workers under the government’s new points based immigration proposals. It had been feared that the scheme, announced this week, would hit processing plants, particularly in the north east of Scotland, where 70 per cent of employees are foreign nationals. However, roles such…

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Processors \’will be able to recruit from overseas\’

THE seafood sector has been told it will be able to recruit overseas workers under the government’s new points based immigration proposals. It had been feared that the scheme, announced this week, would hit processing plants, particularly in the north east of Scotland, where 70 per cent of employees are foreign nationals. However, roles such…

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Majority of salmon farms environmentally ‘excellent’

SOME 87 per cent of Scotland’s salmon farms have been rated environmentally ‘excellent’ or ‘good’ by regulators, new statistics show. Farmers achieved their best ever environmental performance in 2018, according to figures collected for the Scottish Environment Protection Agency’s (SEPA’s) Compliance Assessment Scheme (CAS). The scheme is used by SEPA to monitor performance across a…

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Farm by farm sea lice data published

SCOTTISH salmon farmers have published farm by farm sea lice data for the first time today, following a commitment made earlier in the year. Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation (SSPO) former chief executive Scott Landsburgh told the ongoing inquiry into salmon farming, by the Rural Economy and Connectivity (REC) committee, that the information would be made…

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