Mackerel advice under review

A GROUPING of northern European mackerel fishing organisations has expressed disappointment that Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification of the North East Atlantic mackerel fishery will be suspended at the beginning of March. But they are hopeful that certification will soon be reinstated once a more detailed scientific evaluation of the stock is completed. The 2018…

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Higher prices fear as Barents quotas cut

NORWAY and Russia have reached broad agreement on catches in the Barents Sea next year – and it will mean less cod and haddock reaching European markets, likely leading to higher prices. With the Barents Sea, the two countries share arguably the richest fishing grounds in the northern hemisphere and although the cod stock is…

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UK and France in ‘scallop war’ talks

BRITISH and French government officials today opened talks to prevent a repeat of the violent scenes which saw fishing boats from the two countries confront each other in a dispute over scallop fishing in the Bay of Seine off the Normandy coast. Anger boiled over into violence on Tuesday as French fishermen hurled rocks and…

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Scottish fleet faces big quota cuts

BIG reductions in the size of the North Sea and west of Scotland cod and haddock quotas for next year are being advised by ICES, the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas. If they are adopted, even in a reduced or modified form, they will have a major impact on the future performance…

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Iceland raises cod and haddock quotas

ICELAND is raising its cod and haddock quotas later this year – which is good news for UK fish buyers, especially those based on the Humber. The decision will also help to offset the impact of expected reduced catches from the Barents Sea, if the ICES recommendations are accepted by Norway and Russia. The Humber…

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West coast 'important' herring ground

A SURVEY to assess herring stocks to the west of Scotland has found that the area to the west of Melvaig, Wester Ross, holds some importance as a winter/spring spawning ground. The international, multi-partner survey – led by marine scientists Dr Steven Mackinson of the Scottish Pelagic Fishermen’s Association (SPFA), along with the Pelagic Freezer-trawler…

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