Monday, February 12, fish prices from Peterhead market

Peterhead harbour
Boats 8
Consignments 5
Boxes 5833
Cod Large £2.20 – £2.80
Cod Medium £2.30 – £2.60
Cod Selected £2.00 – £2.50
Cod Small £1.70 – £2.80
Haddock Large £1.80 – £2.35
Haddock Medium £1.70 – £2.20
Haddock Selected £2.00 – £2.40
Seed £1.80 – £2.40
Chippers £1.10 – £2.30
Metros 60p – £1.10
Round Haddock small
Whiting £1.00 – £1.60
Round Whiting 60p – £1.15
Lemon Sole £3.00 – £11.30
Monks Lge/Med/Sel £3.30 – £4.15
 Coley Large 90p – £1.10
    \” Medium £1.10 – £1.25
    \” Selected £1.00 – £1.10
    \” Small 80p – £1.25
Megrims £2.00 – £5.00
Plaice £1.00 – £1.60
Hake £2.00 – £4.00
Witches 90p – £2.00
Ling £1.40 – £1.95
Squid £4.00 – £5.60
Boats which landed were: Endurance , Steadfast Hope , Victoria May , Harvest Hope
Reul Na Mara , Shalimar , Orion , Good Hope
Boats which consigned were: Gleaner , Endeavour , Chloe Ella Bck
Sparkling Star Fruitful Vine
Totals by Species:- Cod 1092
Monks 467
Haddock 630
Seed 732
Round Seed 19
Whiting 240
Round Whiting 609
Saithe 1109
Megrim 55
Squid 220
Hake 5
Lemons 19
Plaice 35
Witches 129
Ling 152
Others 320


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