ISA confirmed at Måsøval site, Mowi case suspected


The number of confirmed and suspected infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) cases in Norway is continuing to mount, with a suspected outbreak at a Måsøval farming location last month now confirmed by the authorities.

ISA is a constant problem for the salmon industry, but the increase in cases over the past few weeks is starting to worry breeders.

An outbreak was also confirmed at a Bakkafrost location in the Faroe Islands two weeks ago. This part of the Nordic region has been relatively free of the disease until now.

It has to be stressed that ISA is only a problem for the fish and is not in any way harmful to humans. However, tackling it can be expensive for the companies involved, especially if the fish have not reached harvest maturity.

Investigations are underway in Norway but climate change and warming seas are thought to be a factor in the spread of the virus.

The suspected Mowi outbreak is at Munkskjæra in Frøya municipality in Trøndelag county.

Mowi notified the Norwegian Food Safety Authority of its suspicions on 31 May following tests at the location. Those samples have now been sent to the Veterinary Institute for confirmation or otherwise.

As usual restrictions including a ban on the movement of fish, have been imposed at the site to prevent any infection from spreading.

It is a similar situation with the now confirmed Måsøval case which is also at Frøya municipality in Trøndelag. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority has ordered the site to be emptied.


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