Atlantic Sapphire positive after higher harvest numbers

tlantic Sapphire salmon in tank

There was much brighter news from the Florida based salmon company Atlantic Sapphire yesterday, as it reported a large increase in its first quarter harvest.

The company, which has had more than its share of problem including a falling share price last year, reported a 20214 first quarter harvest of 1.15 million tonnes (heads on gutted). The net biomass gain for the same period was 1,200 tonnes.

This is well up on the previous quarter (Q4) when 310,000 tonnes were harvested, and the biomass gain was 1,100 tonnes.

The Miami-based company appears to have turned the corner after a number of issues in 2023.

It suffered problems with high water temperatures which impacted on water quality last summer. The company said it was eventually able to resolve these issues, but warned at the time that it would lead to lower than expected biomass gain later in the year.

In the autumn, however, CEO Johan E. Andreassen – who announced that he was stepping down – said that the company could expect to have a better 2024. It seems that prediction is now coming to pass.

Despite its problems Atlantic Sapphire has not not short of backers last year, and it has managed to raise a considerable sum of money through share issues .

The full quarterly report will be released on 18 April.


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