A new approach for HDPE


Ryan Ganfield, chemical engineer at W&J Knox, has been developing a method to adhere antifoulant to HDPE netting and he has seen some success in water trials.

Whilst knotless nylon netting readily absorbs water-based paint, HDPE is naturally hydrophobic, so Ryan worked alongside antifoulant manufacturer Steen-Hansen to develop new dipping methodologies.

Treated samples of HDPE netting have been in the water since late summer 2021 and they have shown limited growth. Trials will now be expanded.

Knox’s Indian manufacturing partner, Garware Technical Fibres, has developed fibres with an in-built antifoulant effect, thereby reducing the cleaning cycles required per crop of fish. Nets made with this V2 material are already being trialled.

Speak to the Knox team on 01505 682511 for the latest details. 



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