Bid to oppose Kingfish Maine plant fails


An attempt to block land-based fish farming in Jonesport, Maine, where the Kingfish Company is planning to build a new yellowtail production facility, has failed.

The Jonesport Planning Board voted down a proposed moratorium on aquaculture developments by 201 votes to 91.

Kingfish company CEO Ohad Maiman said: “We are grateful for the overwhelming local support at the town vote.

“When we chose the Jonesport site, we spent significant time getting to know the community and making certain we were welcome. This vote confirms that that we have made the right choice.”

The Kingfish Company is planning to build a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) facility with the capacity to produce 6,000 – 8,000 tonnes of yellowtail kingfish.

Operations Manager Megan Sorby said: “The defeat of the moratorium demonstrates that town residents have confidence in Jonesport’s Planning Board and the existing town ordinances.”

She added: “We have said from the beginning we want to be in a town that will welcome us as a collaborating business partner, one that will provide jobs and economic benefits to the community.

“We are thrilled to see the confidence of this town in their own town government and in the potential of this project in Jonesport.”

Meanwhile, the Jonesport Planning Board has accepted Kingfish Maine’s building application which is now being reviewed. A review meeting is scheduled for early next month.

This Planning Board application is the last of the critical approvals needed for the Jonesport project.

Kingfish Maine has already received all Maine Department of Environmental Protection (Maine DEP) and US Army Corp of Engineers permits.

“We are grateful for the continued support we receive from the town of Jonesport and look forward to working with the Planning Board as we proceed through the municipal process,” said Megan Sorby.

Ohad Maiman, CEO of The Kingfish Company


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