Seaweed conference offers a tasty treat

Kelp will be on the menu at Seagriculture USA 2022, the first international seaweed conference to be held in North America.

Taking place on 7 & 9 September 2022 in Portland, Maine, the event will feature a live cookery demonstration courtesy of Atlantic Sea Farms, the first commercially viable seaweed farm in the United States.

Founded in 2009, Atlantic Sea Farms aims to diversify opportunities for working waterfront communities by building a market for domestic, fresh, healthy alternatives to imported seaweed products on behalf of their partner farmers.

The company’s cookery demonstration will feature two chefs, Jonathan Uribe, Food Service and University Dining Sales at Atlantic Sea Farms and Matt Haight, Fermentation Lead at Atlantic Sea Farms.

It will make the case for kelp, as a food that is not only very tasty and offers a huge variety of preparations but is also one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. Kelp is a zero input, carbon negative crop with measurable impacts on the health of our oceans and economies in the face of climate change.

Seagriculture USA is supported by the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD), Maine Technology Institute (MTI), Maine International Trade Center (MITC) and Maine North Atlantic Development Office (MENADO).

More information about Seagriculture USA and Atlantic Sea Farms can be found online at and on


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