Expressions of Interest

The Isle of Man Government owns and currently operates a freshwater fish farm at Cornaa, near Maughold on the east coast of the Island. The farm is set in 15 acres and includes a 3 bedroomed bungalow, an office block with kitchen, laboratory, public conveniences and generator, an enclosed hatchery, a large outbuilding and ponds. The ponds are gravity fed by natural, clean water, which, combined with the Islands disease free status, afforded the previous tenant the ability to export trout eggs to the global market.

When privately operated the site rental was offset by the tenant producing and delivering stock fish to up to six reservoirs, in accordance with a schedule and condition index provided by the Fisheries Division of the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:

* The following numbers of rainbow trout per year for the purpose of restocking for recreational angling:
o Up to 17,500 minimum size 2lb
o Up to 2,000 fish minimum size 4lb
o Up to 400 fish minimum size 7lb

The Island’s recreational reservoir fishery, has an excellent reputation among resident and visiting anglers for quality fishing in picturesque surroundings. This could offer reputational and business benefits to interested parties.

Due to the previous tenant’s departure, the Department wishes to explore the market, to identify interest from any individuals or organisations with appropriate expertise and experience to lease the farm.

It would be preferable if the operation included the delivery of fish to up to six reservoirs according to a programme specified by DEFA, but the Department is flexible in considering any proposals for the farm. The Department would consider a partnership approach to operating the farm and reservoir stocking operations.

The farm and reservoir stocking operations are currently run by experienced members of staff, who are presently employed by the Department.

There is scope to broaden facilities to additional business ventures or as a lifestyle opportunity, subject to planning.

Responding to this Prior Information Notice
Interested parties are invited to submit a brief summary of their experience, capability and a proposal of how they intend to run the site.

By responding to this request it must be understood that, at this stage, the Department are only exploring options, no commitment is intended or implied and this request may or may not progress through to a competitive tender exercise. An invitation to tender may follow this

Prior Information Notice, but the Department is not under any obligation to issue invitations to responders to the Notice.

Please be aware that neither the Department, Procurement Services nor any other part of Isle of Man Government, or any other organisation assisting the Government with the procurement process, will accept any liability or any charges for expenses or losses incurred by any interested party as a result of responding to this enquiry.

In order to participate in this competitive exercise, your organisation must be registered on the Isle of Man Government’s Procurement Portal. If you have not previously registered, please visit and select ‘Register’ from the menu on the left side of the Home Page.

Once you have registered your organisation you should select this tender from the list of ‘Current Tenders’ and ‘View Details’ then click ‘Express Interest’ at the bottom of the page. Once you have clicked on ‘Express Interest’ a ‘Form of Acknowledgement’ tab will appear. This tab will provide a copy of the ‘Appeals Procedure’ to be downloaded. In order to progress to the next stage of the process you will need to ‘Opt-In’, complete the ‘Form of Acknowledgment’ questionnaire, upload your PIN Response document and click ‘Submit Return’ before the deadline as detailed below.

Should you have any difficulty in using the website or registering your interest in this way, please contact
Expressions of interest must be submitted through the above Portal by 12 noon 22nd April 2022.



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