Managing aquaculture risk


In-depth knowledge of the industry makes Sunderland Marine an invaluable resource for fish farmers

With farmed fish under increasing threat from environmental conditions – including algal blooms caused by excess ocean nutrient load and tropical storms fuelled by rising sea temperatures – few industries are as prone to the effects of climate change as aquaculture.

Offshore aquaculture

Establishing and maintaining a successful fish farming business therefore requires careful planning and risk management; and this, in turn, relies on a profound knowledge of the industry and the threats it faces.

However, Sunderland Marine understands that not every company with interests in fish farming is an expert in the field. Venture capitalists and insurance brokers, for example, may depend on dedicated third-party support to inform decision-making and calculate the scale of risk in their aquaculture portfolios.

Sunderland Marine’s aquaculture risk management division has provided support for global aquaculture clients since 1986. It comprises a team of highly qualified specialists who offer research, risk profiling, consultancy and training services.

Customers benefit from access to latest industry knowledge; remote or on-site surveys for identifying risks; benchmarking and remediation advice for managing these risks; impartial consultancy on the terms, conditions and coverage of their policies; and bespoke training on a broad range of aquaculture, insurance and loss adjusting topics.

In addition to its in-house experts, Sunderland Marine draws on a network of consultants from the commercial and academic sides of the industry who share information and advice regarding specific issues identified during site surveys.

For more information on our aquaculture risk management services, please visit and search for “risk management” or contact Duncan Perrin, Aquaculture Manager, at


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