Norcod achieves global food safety standard

Hilde Storhaug

Norwegian cod farmer Norcod has secured certification under the Global GAP Aquaculture Standard, one of the world’s leading food safety benchmarks.

Norcod is the first cod farmer to achieve the GAP standard. The company’s Chief Sustainability Officer, Hilde Storhaug, said: “We are very pleased and proud to be the first within our industry to obtain this certification. It demonstrates the clear operational focus we’ve had from the outset on sustainability, and that Norcod is a responsible player in the aquaculture industry.”

The standard covers the entire production chain from broodstock, seedlings and feed suppliers to farming, harvesting and processing, setting out detailed requirements for legal compliance, employees’ occupational health and safety, animal welfare, food safety and environmental and ecological care.

Storhaug noted the aquaculture industry in Norway is already strictly regulated, but added: “But by certifying our business according to a respected international standard, we further show that Norcod as a company is committed to our employees, ensuring optimal fish welfare and health, and to preserving both the local and global environment.”

Norcod is now in the process of applying for compliance with the Aquaculture Stewardship Council standard.

Norcod CEO Christian Riber commented: “Obtaining this certification is a result of a strong team effort working towards clear sustainability performance goals. It shows that we are practising what we preach, and I congratulate all our personnel for their dedication especially during the challenging pandemic situation.”

Hilde Storhaug


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