Ban Ki-moon keynote speaker for AquaVision

Photographs by Ed Thompson

THE former secretary-general of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, will be keynote speaker at AquaVision 2018, to be held in Stavanger in June, it was announced today. He will address the food security challenges of the coming decades.
The theme for the biennial conference is ‘Meeting tomorrow today’ and the two-day programme will focus on two main topics: ‘The blue revolution’ and ‘Beyond tomorrow’.
According to the FAO (the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations), global food production needs to increase by 70 per cent by 2050.
The conference will explore ways in which aquaculture can contribute to feeding the growing world population in a sustainable way.
AquaVision, organised by Skretting and its parent company Nutreco since 1996, has established itself as an important meeting place for some 400 participants from around 40 countries.
Ban Ki-moon (pictured) was the eighth secretary-general of the United Nations, serving two consecutive terms, from January 2007 to December 2016.
Previous keynote speakers at AquaVision have included Kofi Annan, who was secretary-general of the UN for 10 years, Bob Geldof and, in 2016, Sebastian Coe.
Skretting and Nutreco are finalising the details for this twelfth AquaVision conference, which runs from June 11-13.


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