Processors urged to join ‘health’ check


A ‘HEALTH’ check is being carried out on the state of the UK seafood processing industry in the wake of Brexit.
And companies are being urged to cooperate by letting the government and the industry authority Seafish know about their financial position.
Seafish said such an examination of processing businesses is of particular importance as Britain leaves the European Union in just over 12 months’ time.
Already worries have been expressed about the labour situation, especially in Scotland, which is heavily dependent on EU workers.
Many are reported to be leaving for what they see as more secure employment prospects in countries such as Denmark and the Netherlands.
Seafish will contact all majority seafood processors to invite them to participate. The survey began this week and will continue throughout February.
Results will published in its biennial Seafood Processing Industry Report with the next edition to be released in March 2019.
The survey is one of several projects looking to shed light on the processing sector. Currently, employee information surveys are helping to understand the potential impact of Brexit on the processing workforce.


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