The March 2024 issue of Fish Farmer is out now online

Fish Farmer March 2024 - cover

The March issue of Fish Farmer magazine is out now online, and you can read or download it here.

The fearsome-looking creature on the cover this month is a pike-perch, also known as a zander. In Continental Europe it is recognised as a high quality fish for the table, but it has proved very difficult to farm at any significant scale – up until now.

As Mark Sallmann at Kaiserzander in Germany explains, pike-perch are now being farmed in RAS systems on a commercial basis. Find out more about this premium freshwater fish, and how Kaiserzander found a formula for farming it, starting on page 38.

Also in this issue, we report on Subsea Expo 2024, the trade show for all things underwater. Fish Farmer was at the event in Aberdeen and discovered that an industry that cut its teeth on the lucrative oil and gas sector is now looking to apply its know-how to help customer in other industries – including aquaculture.

Our regional focus on the Faroe Islands includes a conversation with Jóhanna Lava Køtlum, Chief Executive of research organisation Firum, who explains why it has dropped its old name “Fiskaaling”.

Nicki Holmyard reports from the Netherlands on the International Shellfish Conference, held at Deltapark Neeltje Jans and attended by shellfish farmers from all over the world. Also on the shellfish front, CIEL’s Martin Sutcliffe writes about how innovation and collaboration could help the UK’s beleaguered industry overcome its challenges.

In his guest column, Jon Gibb, fisheries manager and Co-ordinator of the Salmon Scotland Wild Fisheries Fund, makes the argument that efforts to preserve endangered wild salmon populations would be undermined, not helped, if there was no salmon farming sector to help support conservation projects.

The rules on what constitutes “organic” farmed fish in the UK are changing, as Fiona Nicolson explains in her article on the Soil Association’s proposed new standard.  Find out more, starting page 46.

Finally Nick Joy, writing from Sicily this time, muses on the importance of export markets in helping small producers to counter the power of the big supermarket chains.


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Fish Farmer, September 2024 - Cover

The September 2024 issue of Fish Farmer is out now online