Speakers anounced for AE2023 Vienna


The line-up of speakers for Aquaculture Europe 2023, to be held in Vienna on 18-21 September, includes voices from academia, the world of finance and the aquaculture industry.

AE2023 is the annual conference of the European Aquaculture Society. This year’s event has the theme: “Balanced diversity in aquaculture development”.

As the first plenary speaker, Professor Dr. József Popp of Szent István University, Hungary, will explain the need for balanced diversity in food production, noting that while terrestrial agriculture is seeing a reduction in diversity and a consolidation of species, aquaculture is exploring a wider range of species and production technologies.

Dr Popp is Professor and Dean at Szent István’s Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, and is a is a corresponding Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He will be speaking on Tuesday 19 September, the opening day of the full conference.

Jozsef Popp, Szent István University

The second plenary session, to be held on the Wednesday, features Antti Kause, Principal Scientist at the Natural Resources Institute (LUKE) in Finland and Morten Rye, Director, External Services and Global Strategies at Benchmark Norway.

They will explore the advances made in breeding programmes in aquaculture, and asking whether that progress will be enough to meet the challenges the industry faces in the short and medium term.

Antti Kause leads the genetics and genomics of the fish breeding programmes activities at Luke, and his group has over 20 years of expertise in research and implementing the results in practical fish breeding programmes.

Morten Rye has 35 years of experience in genetic research and large-scale selective breeding programs for 20 aquaculture species worldwide, including the majority of those farmed in Europe. He is currently heading Benchmark Genetics’ External Services division.

The third plenary session features Lissy Smit, CEO of Aqua-Spark, an impact fund investing in innovative, novel solutions to some of aquaculture’s biggest challenges. She will be sharing examples of Aqua-Spark’s investment portfolio on how to bring solutions from great ideas and innovations to wide industry adoption.

For more information or to book your place at AE2023 Vienna, go online to https://aquaeas.org/



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