Seagriculture EU to focus on seaweed opportunities

Seagriculture EU 2023, the leading conference for the seaweed industry, will be taking place from 21-22 June 2023 in Trondheim, Norway. This two-day event will explore the vast potential of seaweed in various applications such as feed, food, offshore cultivation, investment and business aspects, as well as biorefinery of seaweed and much more.

The two-day programme features a unique conference programme with six plenary sessions and a panel discussion, providing attendees with a comprehensive overview of the latest developments and opportunities in the seaweed industry. Top speakers from the industry will share their knowhow and insights, offering an opportunity to learn from experts in the field.

Seagriculture EU2023 will also feature poster presentations where researchers will present their latest findings to delegates.

The accompanying trade show will provide companies within the seaweed industry a platform to showcase their products and services to other industry professionals. This will facilitate networking and collaboration opportunities among attendees, while also allowing them to stay informed about the latest developments in the field.

Another important part of the conference is the direct exchange between the conference delegates. Besides the networking coffee and lunch breaks, attendees will have the chance to participate in the Seaweed Happy Hour, where they can taste seaweed products and network with other professionals in the industry. Moreover the conference dinner provides a perfect opportunity to network and exchange with other delegates while enjoying a dinner together.

“We are thrilled to welcome all seaweed enthusiasts in Trondheim. It is a unique opportunity for industry professionals to come together and learn about the latest developments in the seaweed industry,” said Silje Forbord from the event sponsor SINTEF. “Seagriculture EU 2023 offers a diverse range of sessions and networking opportunities, making it a must-attend event for anyone interested in the seaweed industry.”

The conference brings together seaweed farmers, seaweed processors and distributors, equipment and technology providers, investment companies, academics and researchers as well as governmental institutions. The organizers of Seagriculture EU 2023 are excited to announce that over 150 delegates have already registered for the conference, a remarkable achievement considering it is still six weeks away. Having such a significant number of delegates will increase the diversity of perspectives and expertise represented at the conference. This will enrich discussions and debates, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the industry.

Registration for Seagriculture EU 2023 is open, and more information can be found on the conference website:


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