Benchmark Genetics announces leadership changes


Aquaculture biotech company Benchmark Genetics has announced a major reorganisation of its leadership team, with a new leadership position created to develop its business worldwide.

Dr Morten Rye – who previously headed Genetics and Innovation – will take on a new senior role as Director, External Services and Global Strategies, expanding Benchmark Genetics’ provision of genetics services to the global aquaculture sector. This will include providing genomic tools and analysis, making Benchmark Genetics a one-stop shop for genetic services.

Dr Ross Houston will lead the technical genetics team, succeeding Dr Rye as Director, Genetics and Innovation.  As part of the role, Dr Houston will take primary responsibility for the internal breeding programs and product development while also retaining his leadership of R&D for the company.

The genetics team has been reorganised, with new leadership positions for each of Benchmark´s five internal breeding programs within Atlantic salmon, shrimp and tilapia and for the key technical support and R&D teams. This includes molecular genetics, reproductive technologies, and trait development.

This new structure will optimise synergies across breeding programs, Benchmark said, as well as innovation and implementation of the latest technologies.

Commenting on the management changes, Jan-Emil Johannessen, Head of Benchmark Genetics, said: “These changes reflect a successful succession of our senior leadership team and are targeted towards securing our world-leading position within the applied aquaculture genetics field.”

“We are confident that Ross and Morten will excel in their new roles, helping our team of over 25 expert geneticists to deliver genetic improvement to the aquaculture industry.”

Dr Houston will retain his role as Chair of the Benchmark Innovation Board, which is a collaborative group with representation from Benchmark’s three business units: Genetics, Health, and Advanced Nutrition. Combining genetic innovations with advances in health and nutrition provides unique opportunities to improve production and sustainability.

Dr Morten Rye, Director, External Services and Global Strategies, Benchmark Genetics


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