Oslo will bend on tax, Mowi boss tells CNN

Mowi CEO Ivan Vindheim took to the international airwaves to denounce Norway’s controversial salmon tax plan, with an appearance on the CNN television news channel this week.

Speaking after the company’s annual report on Wednesday, he told viewers on the programme “Quest Means Business” that the announcement by the Norwegian government on 28 September last year came as a shock.

But he remained optimistic that the politicians would eventually see sense and amend what is being planned.

“This tax level is unprecedented and if its put into action it will impose major limitations to investment. It would be devastating, which is why we are so against it.”

Asked by CNN presenter Eleni Giokos, what tax percentage the company could cope with, he replied: “The strange thing we already pay between 40% and 50% in taxes on our earnings in Norway. We contribute to society .

“It is not that we are not paying taxes but no private industry pays the [level of] taxes we do; they must be balanced.

“We really contribute to society – we pay for the common areas we use, but when you exceed 50% then you are in trouble.

He added: “We will continue to contribute but we also need some money left with which to invest.”

Giokos then asked about the consequences of the Oslo government’s policy. Vindheim replied: “Salmon is a fantastic product. If this comes in firms will move abroad but, I don’t think this will happen.

“Having said that, I believe when politicians see the negative consequences of this proposal they will change it. I am an optimist in the longer term – it just needs some time to persuade the politicians.”

The interviewer told viewers that Mowi had been ranked the world’s most sustainable animal protein producer and asked Vindheim if there was anything further the company could do in this area.

He replied: “We are delivering the goods, so to speak. But we can do more – the industry can do more. Salmon has fantastic sustainability credentials.”


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