Seagriculture virtual conference to premiere in Asia-Pacific region

Seagriculture conference 2022

The organisers of the Seagriculture conference are launching an online edition “Seagriculture Asia-Pacific 2023” dedicated to the seaweed industry in the Asia Pacific region.

Taking place on 8 and 9 February 2023, the new edition will supply industry knowledge on seaweed topics for a region forecast to grow threefold by 2029.

Seagriculture is a leading annual seaweed industry event, held in alternating locations since 2012. Organized by DLG Benelux with partners, the new Seagriculture Asia-Pacific conference will cover industry topics relevant for the region, from seaweed farming and mechanization to market trends and business development as well as breeding and disease management.

“With this new online edition ‘Seagriculture Asia Pacific’, we are meeting the demand for more specialist knowledge in virtually every technical area of the seaweed supply chain in the region,” said Kuno Jacobs, Managing Director, DLG Benelux, the organizer of the Seagriculture conference.

Driven by increasing demand for seaweed in industries such as pharmaceuticals, personal care, agriculture, domestic, animal feed as well as food and beverages, the Asia-Pacific commercial seaweed market is expected to reach nearly $16bn by 2029.

Since its inception in 2012, the Seagriculture conference has taken place annually in key locations of the seaweed industry in Europe, adding North America last year.

“Due to an acute demand in North America for knowledge, we launched the Seagriculture conference in the US, which proved to be successful, bringing together experts from different parts of the world, honing in on regional issues. The Seagriculture Asia-Pacific will be another such event that promotes the sharing of industry knowledge. We will be hosting the first event online, to enable participation in multiple time zones,” adds Jacobs.

Keynote speakers from FAO and Climate Foundation

Keynote speakers Simon Funge-Smith, Food and Agriculture Organization’s ( FAO ) regional office for Asia and the Pacific, Thailand; and Brian Von Herzen, Climate Foundation, Australia will present an overview of seaweed production in Asia, including trade and social challenges, hurricane-proven offshore seaweed mariculture and deepwater irrigation as well as climate disruptions.

In the six session topics, ranging from smart farming technologies to seaweed nutriceuticals, some 22 experts will explore the regional  aspects of cultivation, processing, sales and business planning in kelp farming as well as technical trends and prospects for the  future. Interactive discussions are an important part of all sessions over the two days.

The six sessions are:

  • Smart seaweed farming
  • Seaweed business/investment aspects
  • Panel discussion: Current situation of seaweed in Asia-Pacific
  • Seaweed breeding and disease aspects
  • Seaweed applications
  • Virtual seaweed tour around the world

Attendees to Seagriculture Asia-Pacific 2023 can register for the full two days (US $150), or for one of the two days (US $75). The registration includes live-stream and access to all recordings and presentations after the conference.

Register online at

For more information:

Seagriculture USA conference 2022


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