Technology implementation in agriculture
The events we hear about every day on the news at a global level will often filter down to local level, and changes and adaptations have to be considered as ways to deal with the consequences. The likes of the pandemic, global warming and changes in trade regulations are geopolitical events to manage at government level, but the impact of these have led to labour shortages, social distancing, interrupted supply chains and energy price hikes, to name but a few challenges that were not part of a traditional working model that now must be navigated in daily activities.
Where any move from traditional practices has taken place, it is often technology that has been injected into the process and creative methodologies have been applied as a way to solve the new problems that arise.
The new solutions can involve the automation of processes that would normally have been done by hand, but lack of resource has led to new ways to plant, pick, harvest, sort or pack produce.
Or, where land has been damaged or the annual cyclical routine interrupted from drought, flood or combination of both, ingenuity has been applied to capture water through attenuation to drain, store, filter and ultimately re-use for irrigation.
There usually are not any off-the-shelf solutions for many of these problems, since there will be considerations unique to each location. This is where time, effort and expenditure can often be applied to come up with process, system or tooling that help maximise the activity to keep it at the level of throughput that is required to be sustainable as a business.
These activities can be considered as overhead costs, going beyond the normal working practices to find new, effective, sustainable solutions. Where development has taken place, there is help in the UK through HMRC to soften the blow of that expenditure. Where development has been applied, there are mechanisms available through tax rebate to claim back some of the outlay.
Support to navigate this legislation and make sure that any potential rebate reaches its maximum potential is available.
Visit the ZLX site below for more information.
Stephen McCallion
Founder & CEO,
ZLX Business Solutions