Mowi’s Salmon Wagon raises funds for good causes


Fish farmer Mowi’s “Salmon Wagon” food truck has raised more than £7,000 for local charities in Scotland, on its return after the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Salmon Wagon has been touring Highland and Island communities, serving salmon burgers and noodle salads at community events, with 100% of the proceeds going to nine good causes. The initiative raised £7,318 over the summer in the course of a trip covering more than 4,000 miles.

Jayne MacKay, Community Engagement Officer at Mowi Scotland said: “We built the Salmon Wagon in 2019 to engage with our local communities and raise funds for the causes closest to their hearts. Since then, we have attended numerous events around Scotland and been lucky enough to support a range of charities and causes vital to communities.

“It is humbling to see the work being done at local level around the country and we are delighted to be able to help and support those in need through donations to – this year – food banks, mental health, children’s charities and other great causes.”

One of the events attended by the Salmon Wagon was the 2022 Camanachd Cup Final in Kingussie, for the Highland sport shinty. Proceeds from the truck on the day were donated to Mikeysline, an Inverness-based charity that provides text-based and face-to-face support for people of all ages who are struggling with their mental health.

Emily Stokes, Chief Executive Officer of Mikeysline, said: “Not only did we benefit greatly from the funds raised, which will help us in developing our mental health support and suicide prevention services further in rural areas of the Highlands, but from the profile and awareness raising through the event given the numbers attending and the profile of the event itself.

“It was a fantastic day and an amazing fundraiser for us.”

Applications will open in January 2023 for those looking to have the Salmon Wagon attend their event next summer. For more information and to sign up for the newsletter please visit


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