Recycling scheme is far from potty

Off-cuts from the production of mooring ropes are finding a new lease of life as the raw material for plant pots.

The recycling initiative is the result of a joint venture between marine equipment and technology supplier Gael Force and Ocean Plastic Pots, a Glasgow-based business set up by a former commercial diver, Ally Mitchell.

The idea to team up with Ocean Plastic Pots came from Gael Force’s Warehouse Supervisor, Dougie Grant who submitted the proposal through the company’s employee idea forum, “Force for Good”.

Alongside the moorings production team, he had been considering ways in which surplus materials from production jobs could be diverted away from traditional methods of waste disposal.  Grant identified an opportunity for recycling the rope offcuts when he came across Ocean Plastic Pots on television and took an initiative to explore further.

As a result, Ocean Plastic Pots has just recently produced its first batch of “Burton” pots made from the distinctive yellow coloured SeaQure Line. Their manufacturing technique means that each pot is different, but all have a solid yellow flat matt colour.

Marc Wilson, Marketing Manager from Gael Force Group, commented:  “Leftover material from our production is inevitable, just like it is in construction, engineering, or other manufacturing.  In partnership with Ocean Plastic Pots and through the determination of our team to help minimise the impact our operations have on the environment, we have found a way in which we can help create a circular economy.”

Gael Force said the company is exploring further initiatives to extend its recycling activities from production involving rope and netting offcuts.

The Burton Yellow Pot from Ocean Plastic Pots is available to purchase online from


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