Two leading scientists join SAIC board

The Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC) has appointed two senior scientists to its board.

Professors Lisa Collins of the University of Leeds and Grant Stentiford, Co-director of the Centre for Sustainable Aquaculture Futures at the University of Exeter, will be joining SAIC’s Independent Scientific Panel (SISP).

Lisa Collins is N8 Agrifood Chair in Agricultural Systems and Academic Director of the National Pig Centre, and her current research focuses on developing smart agricultural systems including technology development, systems modelling, and data analytics.

She said: “I look forward to working with the SAIC team, applying my experience in terrestrial animal science to aquaculture: cross-sector knowledge exchange and collaboration are crucial tools for the continuous improvement of animal health and environmentally responsible food production.”

In addition to his role at Exeter, Grant Stentiford is also currently head of the OIE Collaborating Centre for Emerging Aquatic Animal Diseases and Principal Aquatic Animal Pathologist at UK government agency the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture (Cefas), among other positions.

He commented: “SAIC plays a key role in forging partnerships between academia and businesses in aquaculture, driving innovation to help the sector grow sustainably. Having worked in aquatic animal health and wellbeing for more than two decades now, I’m eager to contribute to the important work of SAIC and the SISP.”

SAIC was set up to invest in collaborative research projects in the areas of fish health and welfare, nutrition, shellfish production, sector capacity and sustainable growth. The organisation also supports MSc and PhD places, internships and training programmes.


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