Eat seafood to help save the planet, scientists urge

Around 100 of the world’s leading scientific researchers have called on people to eat more fish, to help solve some of the planet’s environmental and societal challenges – and they predict that aquaculture will lead the way in this endeavour.

Commissioned by the Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stanford University and the Norwegian food organisation EAT, the researchers come from more than 25 international scientific institutions

They have been assessing the importance of seafood in ensuring healthy, fair and sustainable food systems in the future.

Producing a series of scientific articles under the title Blue Food Assessment , they predict demand is going to double.

The researchers say:

  • the world’s population needs to eat more seafood to help solve the planet’s environmental, dietary and societal challenges;
  • seafood has more nutritional benefits and sustainability benefits than animal foods from agriculture;
  • demand for seafood is expected to double by 2050;
  • the growth must come from aquaculture, as there is considerable potential for growth; and
  • the diversity of the sea must be utilised, even more than it is today.

Norwegian Seafood Council CEO Renate Larsen said: “The dietary battles have often been between meat and plants, so that the enormous potential in the sea has largely been overlooked.

“With these reports, seafood has taken a big leap into the important debate about our future food systems.

She added: “It is a great challenge and literally offers a sea of opportunities. At the same time, it is a task that also comes with a great responsibility. We must continue to develop sustainable aquaculture, promote responsible and well-managed fisheries and ensure that consumers can make conscious and well-informed decisions about their food choices.”



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