Seafood leaders expecting big things from new government

Norway’s seafood leaders have spelled out their priorities for the country’s new Labour-led government.

Seafood Norway, the body which represents both aquaculture and fishing companies, has put cutting emissions, creating more “green” jobs and increasing production at the top of its list.

Norway changed political direction in the general election yesterday, ending an eight-year Conservative reign and electing a new coalition consisting of Labour, the Centre Party and Socialist Left.

Seafood Norway has congratulated Labour leader and new prime minister Jonas Gahr Støre on his victory.

But the organisation’s CEO Geir Ove Ystmark added: “There is also reason to thank Erna Solberg [the outgoing Conservative premier] and those who have led the country with her. They have guided us well through a very demanding time.”

He said the seafood industry had high expectations that the new government will lift the seafood industry and seafood further.

Ystmark declared: “If we are to succeed in cutting climate emissions, increase food production and create even more green jobs, we must increase activity in the seafood industry.

“We need a policy that ensures that jobs are created by processing more of the raw material in Norway. Marine raw materials must be grown and harvested for fish feed and by developing both the fisheries and aquaculture further.

“Major improvements will be made in the future that require the seafood industry to have access to land, and the opportunity to produce more.”

Ystmark also said that both the Labour and Centre parties had a tradition of wanting to invest in industry.


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