Norwegian seafood promoters heading for Riyadh

The Norwegian Seafood Council will be represented in person at a large international trade fair next week, for the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic began over 18 months ago.

Ørjan Kjærvik Olsen, who is responsible for new markets at the Seafood Council is travelling to the Saudi capital Riyadh.

Together with colleague Trond Kostveit, he will promote Norwegian salmon and other fish at the Saudi Horeca trade fair, which takes place between 5-7 September.

The Council says Saudi Arabia is an important new market for Norwegian seafood, and a one that has grown a lot in recent years.

Olsen said: “There is great interest in Norwegian seafood, both from the country’s authorities and local business actors. That is why it is important to be present during Saudi Horeca, which is the country’s largest food fair.”

Saudi Arabia is one of the fastest growing markets for Norwegian salmon in recent years. 2020 ended at about 5.5 thousand tons and 370 million kroner. In 2015, the export volume was approx. 1.9 thousand tonnes and 109 million kroner. Growth has continued into 2021.

The fair is aimed at the hotel and restaurant industry, but has visitors from the entire food industry.

Because of Covid restrictions it had been uncertain whether Seafood Council staff could physically participate, but now the country is open for international travel for fully vaccinated people. The infection rate in Saudi Arabia is low.

Meetings will also be held with Saudi food and fishery authorities on exploring new export and investment opportunities.


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