Seafood funding rounds open for bids

Seafood and fisheries businesses in England are being invited to apply for project funding from the Marine Management Organisation.

The MMO, an arm of the UK Government, has opened four time-limited funding rounds to support:

  • Businesses trading in live bivalve molluscs (LBMs);
  • Projects aimed at protecting the marine environment;
  • Projects delivering “world class” science and technological achievements; and
  • Projects supporting or enhancing the recreational sea fishing sector.

The closing date for submissions for all four rounds is 6 October 2021.

The funding for businesses in the LBM sector aims to support financial resilience and viability, to help businesses adapt to post-Brexit trading conditions and to encourage investment in infrastructure, such as depuration facilities, that facilitates domestic sales and exports. This funding round will have an individual grant cap of £150,000 per project.

Depuration is a process required by the European Union before live shellfish – apart from those harvested in the cleanest category of waters – can be imported to the EU. Prior to the UK’s departure from the EU, British producers tended to rely on depuration facilities in France and Belgium.

The Fisheries and Seafood Scheme remains open for eligible projects outside of these funding rounds. The fund focuses on projects that help businesses adapt to life outside the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy and recover from the impacts of Covid-19.

Fisheries Minister Victoria Prentis said: “The Fisheries and Seafood Scheme is an important part of our ongoing commitment to support the seafood industry as it accesses new opportunities outside of the EU. The funding will help create a sustainable and successful future for the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors.

“These four funding rounds will support shellfish businesses adapt to new trading conditions, help fishermen safeguard our marine ecosystems, support world-class science and boost our recreational angling sector. I encourage all eligible businesses to apply.”

Click here for more information on these funding rounds, eligibility criteria and details on how to apply.




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