Canadians urged to pledge support for seafood sector

Organisations in Canada’s fishing and aquaculture sectors are calling for support for a nationwide petition backing their industry.

The “pledge” aims to persuade the Federal Government, which is currently consulting on a national Blue Economy Strategy, that seafood must be part of the future of economic growth for the country.

The pledge states that “Together, we:

  • believe seafood – wild and farmed – is a major jobs, low carbon, food security and sustainable blue economic opportunity for Canada;
  • are concerned that Canada continues to fall behind major global producers; and
  • want action to enable Canada to be a global leader in sustainable fish and seafood production.

The pledge also calls on the Canadian Government to identify a federal departmental economic champion, develop a sustainable growth plan and develop an integrated programme to advance the sector.

Timothy Kennedy, President and CEO of the Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance (CAIA) said: “Canada has the longest coastline in the world and some of the most plentiful freshwater resources. We have the means to be a global leader in sustainable seafood production – all we’re missing is the proper support.”

Paul Lansbergen, President of the Fisheries Council of Canada (FCC) said: “We are asking Canadians to stand with our national fish and seafood community as we call on the federal government to identify a federal departmental champion, develop a sustainable growth plan and develop an integrated program to advance the sector. If you believe in sustainable seafood development, sign the pledge.”

Canadians are being invited to sign the pledge at  Signatures will be gathered as an aggregate to demonstrate support in FCC and CAIA’s ongoing advocacy to include their industry-developed vision and action plan, Canada’s Blue Economy 2040, into the federal Blue Economy Strategy.


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