Skretting Italy rolls out carbon certification for feed

Skretting Italy has become the first aquafeed producer to have the carbon footprint of its portfolio independently certified. Skretting’s Carbon Footprint Systematic Approach has been certified under ISO 14067:2018, the international standard that covers the quantification and reporting of the carbon footprint – the carbon emitted into the atmosphere from the entire production chain – of a product.
Skretting Italy is now in a position, the company says, to provide certified carbon footprint figures on any of the aquaculture feed products in its portfolio. This should help fish farmers to calculate their own carbon footprint and understand ways in which it can be reduced.
The certification was conducted by Norway-based risk management and assurance group DNV GL, and covers the entire production process, from raw material procurement, through formulation, and to final product despatch through the factory gates.
Umberto Luzzana, Marketing Manager at Skretting Italy, said: “We have entered a critical phase of climate recovery. Through carbon neutrality, fish farmers in Italy and beyond have the opportunity become part of the solution as climate leaders. They can accelerate progress by making these bold but essential commitments to our planet’s health and wellbeing, while at the same time establishing a platform that will enable them to increase revenues, reduce costs and risks, and engage many more consumers.”
Skretting plans to roll the certification programme out on a global basis as part of its action plan for sustainability.
Skretting Italy launched a carbon-neutral aquaculture feed, Feed4Future, in 2020, which is produced with 10% lower CO2 emissions. The remaining emissions are offset by carbon credits.



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