Ready for Brexit

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O’ Toole Transport have 25 years experience in Seafood logistics. Based in Bellshill they operate daily services across the whole of the UK & Europe. In Association with John Driege Transport in France, they offer an unrivalled, efficient daily service between Scotland & Boulogne . Brexit will generate an additional 200 million Customs declarations per annum. Expertise is in short supply and Customs agency capacity is generally not ready for a five-fold increase in the volume of transactions. O’Toole having identified this issue has taken positive steps to turn a potential threat into another opportunity to excel. They, along with other leading logistics providers, founded the Customs Clearance Consortium (CCC), a specialist 24 hour Customs agency set up purely for the additional volume generated by Brexit. CCC management is in constant contact with all major stakeholders involved in the process, including HMRC, Government and the European Commission & is at the forefront of Brexit preparations.

For expert advice on Brexit & for all your seafood logistics needs please call
O’Toole on 01698 687 949 or email




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Fish Farmer cover July 2024

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