Pegasus® Vacuum Coater – more than 25 years of innovation – Dinnissen

Pegasus Vacuum Coating

The vacuum coating process, invented by Dinnissen more than 25 years ago, was an evolution of the Pegasus® Paddle Mixer. Double-axle mixer product is raised in a fluidised zone, giving a gentle, fast and efficient mixing process. In experiments carried out in a special mixer under vacuum conditions, high concentrations of liquid were sprayed on to feed pellets. Upon removal of the vacuum, the liquid was drawn deeply into the coated pellets.

This technology can increase fat content of pellets up to 42 per cent, as well as increasing product flow out of the silo, preventing pollution and reducing contamination at farms.

Dinnissen has perfected vacuum coating over the past years and made it suitable for many other applications. Present-day systems are able to accurately spray different fluids in low to high doses on the product, as well as applying multiple layers of liquids and powders on to granules and extruded products.



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