Mowi names man killed at farm site

Mowi has paid tribute to assistant manager Clive Hendry who was killed in an acciddent in Feb 2020 (photo: Mowi)

Mowi Scotland named the man who died in a workplace accident at Ardintoul, Kyle of Lochalsh, last month as assistant manager Clive Hendry.

According to the Marine Accident Investigation Branch, the accident happened as Hendry was disembarking from a workboat on February 18.

A statement in the company’s March newsletter, The Scoop, said everyone at Mowi, and especially Hendry’s closest colleagues, were devastated by the loss.

‘Clive had been our colleague for 12 years and was a truly valued member of the team, and friend,’ the company said.

‘We continue to assist all relevant authorities, including police, the Health & Safety Executive and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, that are investigating the incident.

‘Our thoughts and sincere condolences are with Clive’s family and friends.’



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