Stop press! Fish Farmer’s July issue out now

The July issue of Fish Farmer is now available online

WITH just over a month to go until Aqua Nor 2019, Fish Farmer’s latest issue brings updates from exhibitors, including some of Scotland’s leading companies.

Gael Force, Xelect, Benchmark – and now Otaq too – have got their own stands at the Trondheim Spektrum, as has the Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC), which will be hosting a ‘networking lounge’ for Scottish aquaculture businesses.

The Scottish delegation will include Rural Economy Secretary Fergus Ewing, who is to be the keynote speaker at a special seminar on day one of the show, the biggest aquaculture event for European fish farmers, running from August 20-23.

Also in the July magazine, Sandy Neil talks to the pioneers behind Stirlingshire’s new land based prawn farm, while regular columnist Martin Jaffa throws further light on its origins.

Meanwhile, the SSPO’s Hamish Macdonell tackles the challenge of global traders who try to cash in on the success of Scottish salmon.

And Nick Joy argues for a more proactive approach from the industry to counter negative coverage in the media.

Fish Farmer, as always, provides a round-up of the month’s news highlights from the UK, Europe and around the world.

And this issue covers recent political developments, not least Fergus Ewing’s statement to parliament last month in response to the recommendations of last year’s inquiry into salmon farming.

In June, Fish Farmer’s team travelled to Southampton, Sutherland and Stirling to keep up with the industry’s news.

See the link below to read the July issue online. Printed copies of the magazine will be sent out to subscribers next week. For more information, contact the editor (


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Fish Farmer cover July 2024

The July 2024 issue of Fish Farmer is out now