Ace set for stunning show

Ace Aquatec head of sales and marketing Mike Forbes and managing director Nathan Pyne-Carter

SCOTTISH supplier Ace Aquatec plans to showcase its in-water electric stunner and ‘electric fish’ deterrent at the Seafood Expo in Brussels next week.
The event, the world’s largest seafood exhibition, runs from May 7-9 and will feature industry professionals, buyers and suppliers from more than 140 countries.
Dundee based Ace Aquatec, a regular exhibitor in Brussels, will bring a Humane Stunner Universal (HSU) to the event.
The HSU recently won Ace Aquatec’s second Queen’s Award for Enterprise Innovation, and has been recognised for the positive impact it has on animal welfare.
The HSU’s in-water stunning technology renders fish unconscious without removing them from the water, which reduces stress, improves flesh quality and can double the volume of fish processed per hour.
Ace Aquatec’s electric fish, shortlisted for the Animal Welfare Award in next month’s Scottish Aquaculture Awards, is a non-acoustic deterrent.
It is designed to look like a dead salmon and serves as a predator solution for areas that have regulations against acoustic deterrents.
It attracted much interest at the Boston show earlier this year, and the Ace Aquatec team hope it will reach a wider global market in Brussels.
Ace Aquatec’s head of sales and marketing, Mike Forbes, said: ‘As well as being an opportunity to connect with potential customers, the Brussels Seafood Expo is always a great opportunity to keep our ears open for new insights that could lead to future products concepts.
‘We introduced our humane electric stunner in Brussels last year and, based on the conversations at that show, we’ve since expanded the use to other areas like by-catch stunning and to increase egg yield production in hatcheries.’
Forbes and Ace managing director Nathan Pyne-Carter will be in Brussels on stand 4-6105.
Picture: Mike Forbes and Nathan Pyne-Carter at Seafood Expo Global 2018


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